Woman With Faith

Jesus, The Healer In Us


Woman With Faith
“Someone Hath Touched Me” Bronze Sculpture by Angela Johnson

For a long time, I thought that the laying of hands on the sick and casting out demons are only reserved for the annointed like pastors and exorcists, but when I saw videos of new Christians healing the sick in Jesus name, and casting-out demons, my beliefs changed.  I did not know that all believers have the authority over the demonic spirits tormenting God’s people. Most of the churches I went to never taught their flocks their authority in Jesus, most of the time, pastors themselves do not practice deliverance.

I read the entire new testament when I came back to Jesus Christ. I went my own way after being in a pentecostal church when I was a child, and went to find peace and love in wrong places like the New Age and Buddhism principles that attracted me as an adult. When I came back to Jesus, I started searching for more videos about Christians taking their authority over the demonic spirits for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.  The book of Acts, and the book of Luke chapters 9-10 talks about what the believers of Jesus Chirst did to harvest the souls back then.

After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.  He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.  Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 

Luke 10 :1-3

The gospel was backed-out by the power of the Lord, in Jesus’ name, they healed the sick and cast-out demons.

The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name. He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.  I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

Luke 10:18-20

Verse 20 is actually saying that those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior can also exercice their authority over the demonic spirits while on earth.

Seeing the videos, reading the bible verses and attending a workshop to know how to exercise our authority is one thing.  Obeying is another. The first time I used this authority was during the Kickstart, when I attended the workshop on how to heal the sick and cast-out demons.  I commanded the pain of the man to be healed but it did not work, surely there are a lot of things I need to know from the Holy Spirit.  It turned out that the man has demons, and the best approach was to cast these demons out for the man to be free.

I did however exercise God’s authority for my own healing and it worked.  I commanded the pain to be gone in Jesus name, and repeatedly proclaimed Isaiah 53:5 on me :

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

In some occasions, I tried doing it in the street with the random people I saw having difficulty walking.  It did not work.  I was thinking, maybe I did it in a wrong way, maybe I was not praying enough, maybe there’s something wrong with me.  I never doubted God’s power, but me.  But I got a message from my spirit that it could also be about the person I was blessing.

I never stopped believing and I continued my research watching deliverance ministers and pastors on Youtube.  I watched their stories and listened to their teachings until I started the book. « How to Heal The Sick » by Charlse and Frances Hunter.  This couple was used by God in a migthy way in the healing and deliverance ministry.  The first time Frances prayed for the healing of the sick, the person died.  She didn’t know why, but it could have been a turn-off for her and believe that God did not call her into the healing ministry.  But Frances was born persistent, and she heard about an evangelist in the healing ministry who continuedly prayed for the sick, even if when 500 of them dropped dead, he said, he would keep doing it.  He was never discouraged until God used him.  The couple felt the same, and together, they travelled the world to proclaim the gospel backed-up with the power of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

I have not even finished reading the book but I was already motivated by their story.  Persistence, learning with the Holy Spirit, claiming the words of God and believing it to be true through faith are the things I learned from them. God can use us as a healing vessel for others, we just have to be a willing vessel and not be discouraged.   This was proven true to me, I will never forget that day, August 31, 2021.  A nanny, I often talked with in the park complained about the pain in her left arm, she did a lot of things to heal it, she even asked her parents to massage it to ease the pain but it was still there even after 2 weeks.  I asked her if I could pray for her healing.  I commanded the pain to be gone, and her arm to be healed in Jesus name. I asked her, If she can still feel the pain after the first attempt, it showed a sign of big improvement, but there was still a little pain left.  I asked the Lord to be present, and to heal her and not to put me to shame for my obedience.  I held the part of her arm where it still hurts as she showed it to me, and commanded the pain to be gone and be healed in Jesus name.  Hallelujah ! It was gone ! No more pain ! It was the first miraculous healing of God for others through my prayers.  I saw and talked to her the next day, and she said it was completely healed. It was a delight for me to see her carry her heavy protégé on weekdays at the park. This person believed, she was willing to be prayed for, and I did not hesitate to pray for her and be used by God as a healing vessel. The healing was activated by God through our faith.  This is written in Mark 11 :24, and it says,

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

Many scriptures in the Bible, supports this.  You might want to read the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8 :43-48 and in Mark 5 :25-33.

God is faithful to His words, we might not know when or how He is going to move, but with persistence, faith and obedience, Jesus will work through us, deliver us and heal us, because He loves us.  Jesus, is the Migthy Healer in us.

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