Islam spiritual leader converted to Christianity

As a spiritual leader,  Afshin, gained spiritual power in Islam by being so religious; spending at least five times a day in prayer, keeping the habit of reading the Quran cover to cover and speaking with spiritual beings.  People who came to him for prayer would become sick or would encounter accidents.  He also developed psychic abilities by knowing what’s happening in the othe room.  It made him more power hungry  and decided to spend more time meditating the Quran.   One night while he was  meditating on verses of Quran, words in the Quran that are repeated continually but have no meanings, the secrets of Quran, he calls them, a spirit entered the room.  The spirit was much more powerful than  he could handle, than he could overcome, and he was filled with fear.  He tried to use all the tools that Islam had given him, like “In the name of Allah, I command you to leave.” or “Satan, I rebuke you”, those kind of things. Nothing helped him while using all of those, and he felt desperate.   The spirit started choking him, choking the life out of him.  He felt like dying in the cell, and he cried out to the heavens and said,  “God Allah, help me !”. and Immediately he heard a voice, clearly as his voice, it says, “bring the name of Jesus!”.  At that moment, he did not give it one second of thought.  He felt like going back, like a man drowning who would never question the color of the rope when you throw him a rope. He just grabbed-on.  He said…

Jesus if you are true, show me yourself

Until this day he had no idea why he worded it that way.  Why he did not just said, “Jesus, help me ! “.  He didn’t know why, it just came out that way.  Before he even finished his sentence, everything went back to normal.  His conversion did not happen that night.  It was the beginning of his own search for truth, until Jesus revealed Himself to him, personally.  Listen to Afshin’s complete testimony…

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